Driving myself and my friends crazy trying to settle on a high-power mono white commander

White has always been my favorite color in magic. I love small, underdog creatures and making an underdog mono-white deck to go with them. Problem is this has never really translated into EDH as successfully as 60 card formats. I've been trying and re-trying for years to make a mono-white deck that makes me happy, and every time I end up taking it apart because it just doesn't feel right. It's gotten to the point where my friends tell me "just stop" whenever I start talking about a new white deck that I swear I'm happy with.

I'm really looking for a commander that is ideally 1-3 mana, works well with a hatebear weenie strategy, and can stand up to a high-power table.

Here's what I've tried:

[[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]]: really great game closer but in high-end games she's really telegraphed. Everyone just saves up their counterspells and removal. 7 mana is just too slow

[[Eight-and-a-Half Tails]]: really interesting to essentially have unlimited protection spells in the command zone. Problem is he's a really mana hungry commander in a color that just doesn't ramp very well. Also doesn't really lend himself to a wincon

[[Thalia, Guardian of Thraben]]: Loaded this deck up with tax effects and it was actually fun being able to cast all my little hatebears and watch everyone else struggle. Again, Thalia doesn't really have a wincon, and just kinda durdling around while staxing the hell out of the table is a great way to make enemies.

[[Teshar]]: I don't want my mono-white deck to be an artifact deck, so I tried building Teshar with a "historic" focus. It was fun, but artifacts are clearly the best build for high-power Teshar

[[Mavinda]]: White Spellslinger actually seems like a really fun concept, and being able to recast most spells from my graveyard is a great form of card advantage. The problem I ran into was fitting a good size package of cantrips, targets for those cantrips, and all the necessary high-power White staples. It just doesn't seem plausible.

[[Samwise the Stouthearted]]: Similar to Teshar but at instant speed and more limited use. Didn't really work out, and lacked any sort of wincon.

[[Yoshimaru]] / [[Keleth]]: When running correctly, this deck is a fast threat. Problem is it runs out of gas SUPER fast, and doesn't really have any wincons other than commander damage. If Yoshimaru gets removed it's all kinda over.

[[Heliod, Sun-Crowned]] or [[Adeline]]: Lumping these two together because either is clearly the best option, right? My problem is I want to do something new. I broke into my LGS's high-power games with [[Laelia]], which ended up being one of my favorite decks overall, and I've been chasing that same feeling with White ever since.