What is your slightly (or completely) unhinged dislike/pet peeve in commander?
Mine is my extreme distain for group hug or group hug adjacent decks. There’s been at least four regularly floating around in my pod and I have yet to see any of them even threaten a win. You’d think giving everyone mana and card draw would be equally beneficial but that’s not what I’ve observed. Usually it ends up helping whoever is running control, particularly in blue. They get all the free draw and mana they need so they can efficiently advance their board state while holding up mana and having a full grip of counters and answers. Anytime the group hug player attempts to play something to take advantage of that extra mana and draw the control player will just counter it. The group hug player effectively reduces the number of threats the control players has to worry about, making it sort of a 1.5 vs 2 game. Any sort of low to the ground aggro strategy doesn’t stand a chance when the main advantage is ripped away by pushing everyone into the mid game by turn 2-3. Full disclosure, I am a shameless Timmy and my big green spells getting countered or removed gives me the big sad. Unhinged rant over lol