Was Lenne more powerful than Lusat or Azur?

(Tl;CR at the bottom, we're going for a wild ride)

Lenne's rise is a rather confusing area for me for several reasons. If you did not know, Lenne's rise is the wizard tower in northeastern Caelid, by the ball trap and the little bridge with the Night's cavalry on it.

The main thing I find odd about Lenne's rise is the fact that it is connected to basically no lore tidbits. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nobody mentions Lenne, no item says what a Lenne was, and not even their name has a meaning (either a feminine Wool in french or "Would Be" in hungarian).

(not too important, feel free to skip) But if you look at the surrounding environment, clearly they are a significant sorceror. Firstly, Lenne's rise is not a standard Rise, such as the other ones you grab memory stones from. Rather, it is the deluxe version which Ranni and the Converted fringe tower share. This would, I assume, denote a more powerful Sorceror, as Ranni resides in this version whereas that little pervy prick Sevilus resides in the base model.

(kinda important, worth a skim) the second interesting thing about Lenne's environment are the protections it keeps. Not only does it have the funny magic ball things which love to smoosh us and which are likeley a dificuilt snare to create (used only by Sellia, a whole town of Sorcerors, and Raya Lucaria, a literal Hogwarts able to stave off massive armies) which implies that this singular rise was either vital to Sellia or some other important/vastly powerful Sorceror, but it also is gaurded by a Night's cavalry. We know that the Cavalry were sent by Margit specifically to hunt down tarnished like us, ones who would be on the path to become Elden Lord. Morgott places them where he excpects the tarnished to be, so he can stop them from continuing. So why would he place one gaurding a tiny bridge connecting the realm of a pacified old doggy with a taste for Deathroot and Lenne's rise? Simple. Lenne may have been as significant as our little potato sack Maliketh was. Also, Lenne utilizes a Spiritspring Jump in the puzzle to reach inside his rise, making it clear that they were aware that only one affiliated with Torrent (Miquella, Ranni, Melina, or some other major player) would be allowed entry to Lenne's mojo dojo house once Lenne was gone.

(INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT plz read) The thing that drives me crazy about Lenne's rise is in the image below (sorry i couldn't figure out how to screenshot from an Xbox to my 'puter). See that Glintstone? Isn't it colored a bit diferently than that we normally see? That gorgeus purple hue receding into clear crystal, lined with an amber hue is nothing like any Glinstone we see anywhere else in the game. But there's one little hint in there; there is AMBER in the glintstones. The only other place I could find Amber was in Renalla's amber egg and in the Amber Starlight item. Both of these items are uniqueley powerful in their own ways. The egg is a god-given respawn machine, built to destroy the mind of Renalla. But if we read the Amber Starlight description, it reveals a bit more about Lenne's unique glintstone. Simply put, Amber stars control the fate of gods. And since Glintstone is a residue of the Stars,

Lenne's rise is growing the residue of what controls the gods. Buttons from the cosmic keyboard of divine fate.

(THE BIG PART) Since Glintstone tends to be drawn to places of Star-related magic, it makes it clear that *Lenne was practicing some sort of higher level of magic, akin to the Primeval current, but with a more Eldrich or Godly twist. The Prime-Primeval current, so to speak. *

It is a shame that Lenne, whether she, he, or they, eventually gained the pronoun "those", as is clear from the Graven School ball of Burger King Crowns, floating at the bottom of the rise. They were likeley becoming too powerful for their own good, and joined a ball akin to what Sellen suffered. This must be the dark fate of a Primeval Sorceror before they can reach full potential, after all.

(Extra) The only holes I can see in this are if the Putrid Crystaalians really are the same as the crystals in Lenne's, but that wouldn't change much except that we would know where Lenne possibly gained his Prime-Primeval spells, or perhaps he was a servant (or master) to the Rot God, which would explain his location near Caelid. But that only solidifies him as a major power, so I like this idea. Also, it would be neat if anyone could scribble up what Lenne would look like, like some sort of Amber version of Lusat/Azur.

(TL;CR) Lenne was the most powerful Sorceror in the Lands Between for a short time, tapping into a magic so powerful it could control the fate of the gods, but he lost it before he could harness it properly by Ballin' too hard
