Day 15: Kiss, Marry, Kill (Odysseus, Telemachus, Hermes)

Hey All!

Sorry for the late post, I feel bad I've been so inconsistent with posting. Sadly, my health isn't looking too sharp so please spare me like Ody actually did to the Sirens (cuz it's not like he made them into sushi or anything).

Anyhow, here are the results for Day 14, Special Edition!

It's a 3 way tie of 3 votes!

  1. Kiss Antinous, Marry Calypso, Kill Zeus (3 votes)
  2. Kiss Zeus, Marry Calypso, Kill Antinous (3 votes)
  3. Kiss Antinous, Marry Zeus, Kill Calypso (3 votes)
  4. Kiss Calypso, Marry Zeus, Kill Antinous (1 vote)
  5. Kiss Calypso, Marry Antinous, Kill Zeus (1 vote)

Over all, more people were willing to Kiss Antinous, Calypso died the least (she was married the most), and ONE PERSON MARRIED ANTINOUS which is so valid for not doing so and concerning if you did. Nothing interesting to report for Zeus.


Now on to Day 15 with the Divas of Epic the Musical!

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Odysseus, Telemachus, and Hermes

Good luck >:>



I DON'T WANT TO SEE but some of these people can't die in the comments, let's assume you can permanently eradicate them.

I ALSO DO NOT WANT TO SEE jokes on you, some of these people won't take lovers, humor me and assume they will.

FINALLY, feel free to genderbend them if needed since it's an all boy round again.

Duvetbox, Zieru, Gigi

Kiss: Hermes (SHOCKER, I normally would not side with him first)

Marry: Telemachus (Look at Duvet's Telemarket and honestly, HONESTLY, tell me what other option is there)

Kill: Ody (Bai Bai Ody pt 67)