What on Earth is with these bittersweet endings???
I just beat FFX, and man, I knew it was gonna happen but I was really, really pulling for Tidus. I’m not a crier but man I came close that was really my dog. And Yuna’s speech and flashback. Wow, just an incredible game start to finish. I can’t believe I spent so long without final fantasy.
But back to the point. The only other games I’ve played is all the FF7 ones, OG, Remake, CCR, and Rebirth I think every one of them has a bitter sweet ending and the main character dies in both FF7 OG, and Crisis Core. I do like when games have stakes but at this point it feels like I spend 50-80 hours with a MC, build a connection with them then they die.
I started FFXVI a couple days ago and I’m a good chunk in and if it follows suit and Clive sacrifices himself I might sacrifice myself as well. The other two games I own and plan to play are IX and XV, and again I just hope they don’t leave me in tears, after all I’m a grown ass man.
With all that being said I really love this franchise and I’ve had nothing but good interactions with the fanbase. I understand this is a spoiler heavy topic but please just mark it if it’s a spoiler for a game I haven’t played yet. I can’t wait to see what the rest of Final Fantasy has to offer.
Edit: Opinions on XIII? Online I get a lot of mixed answers and I think it looks…alright?