I have a very weird case of PFS
It all started 6 months ago, when I stopped taking Dutasteride for a couple weeks while I was traveling. At the end of that period, I noticed an increase in my anxiety, and had a minor ED episode that ended up going away the next day.
Jump forward another two weeks and I started having panic attacks, and horrible insomnia. I didn't sleep for a few days. I then tried working out to help me relax, and that only made things worse. It completely spiked my anxiety, and the next day I went to the ER thinking I was dying.
Here's the weird part. The anxiety and insomnia I have is really only caused by physical activity. I have no symptoms other than workout intolerance. Whenever I workout, and get my heart rate above say 130bpm for a period of time, it later makes me anxious, breaks up my sleep, and makes my heart rate spike doing basic things for several days.
I have no brain fog, no ED, no lower libido, I've kept all the muscle on my frame without working out, and I have none of the other typical issues that I've seen people refer to on this subreddit . I can appreciate that I've gotten very lucky in this department.
It may seem like I've gotten off easy, but exercising and being active were my life. My job was very physically demanding and I had to quit. My main mental health coping mechanism is working out, and I haven't been able to work out without consequences in nearly 6 months. This massive lifestyle change of the past 6 months has made me incredibly depressed.
The other day I went for a light walk on a hiking trail to test the waters. Since then my sleep has been worse, my anxiety has been heightened, and in the middle of the night, my heart rate spiked. Luckily, it was a more mild reaction than what happened 2 months ago, but it's still enough to continue ruining my life.
I've been talking to doctors, and finally got some blood work done last week, I'm still waiting for the results. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? A lot of the advice I see is exercise, but I can't come close to exercising without it making things worse. It appears that I'm getting better, but it's so slow, I don't know if I'll ever be fully recovered. Has anyone had success with a situation like this before?