Starting 12 Week body challenge, Looking for advice with supplements + any general advice
Hey all, since the end of last year I have been on a weight loss journey. Starting at 125 KGs I am now currently down to 84.7 KGs. (Male,180cm height). So far I have only been doing cardio work outs at the gym 5-6 nights a week and being more aware and understanding of calories (Just started trying to track everything on MFP) I figured now that I have lost the majority of the weight I would get a PT and start doing some weights and the PT suggested I join a 12 week body transformation challenge starting in the gym in 2 weeks time, he seemed pretty adamant about getting me to be able to win it. I will be switching to a 5-7 days of weight lifting and cardio routine and following a meal plan that the nutritionist is currently working on. The competition is judged off measurements, body composition and progress photos. My PT has also recommended me some supplements to start taking, which is where my biggest hesitation lies, I've been told to take No Way Protein and L - Glutamine as "necessary" and T432 plus and L - Carnitine as extra if I choose so. Have any of you had any experience with these products and what kind of result difference will taking these have if I chose to? I really want to go hard with this challenge and achieve the best results I can. My 1st measurements, photos and weigh in will be next Thursday 9th of August if anyone has any advice heading into that or with the comp in general I'd love to hear it. I don't currently have the exact current routine or diet I will be following yet but I will add a link to my body composition scan for extra info on my stats. Thanks to anyone who can help.