Fit Tuber isn't criticised enough

If you aren't aware, Fit Tuber is a YouTuber with 8 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS who regularly spreads misinformation in the name of "Ayurveda" and "healthy living". Home based moisturizer based on oils, home nuskhe for everything, and many such bullshit videos. He was the gateway fitness YouTuber for me and I'm glad I didn't stick around for long, good riddance. I just got a video recommended by him where he was talking about "5 things to do for reducing belly fat" and surprise surprise, calorie deficit isn't one of them. The entire video is filled pseudoscience like "add acid to your food", "eat non-naked carbs" which has no scientific basis, same as all of his other videos.

The video has 2 million viewers. Imagine not knowing a thing about fitness and watching this. Who is watching his videos in 2025?!