Kendamil Goat Better?

My son is nearing 4 weeks old. Seems he has some tummy troubles and is very unhappy when he is awake. Sleep is ok-ish. We are using original Kendamil and he likes it a lot. He occasionally will spit up but it’s nothing crazy. He will squirm, cry and pull his legs up to his chest often in discomfort. I’ve also seen him gag and “chew” on possible spit up? I have never seen anything come up in his mouth after but I’m just guessing it’s something coming back up, maybe acid or milk? Anyways, I’m just super sad seeing him be uncomfy and it sucks that he’s always upset bc it’s robbing the joy from all of us, but mostly him. I’m wondering if anyone has any similar experiences here and switched to a goat formula from cow and saw improvements? I also picked up Mary Ruth’s infant probiotics yesterday and I want to say that helped but it’s been a day. Thanks!