What we do know

Tired of seeing posts of people complaining about the lack of clues and intel that show has given us, so I made a list of information we have learned so far. Please help me add to it, if I missed anything and hopefully have it guide theorists and confused viewers alike.

  1. Once you see the felled tree blocking the road, it’s too late, welcome to Fromville. Made worse by a creepy murder of crows cawing away at the new arrivals from above.

  2. Fromville is upheld by an apparent curse that sets-up the entire setting for the plot. The original town settlers an unspecified number of years ago entered a deal with the devil; the sacrifice of every child in town in return for immortality. Two of the original residents contested this deal, nevertheless, an attempt to save the children by the two is mounted but ultimately fails, and their child would succumb victim to the sacrifices anyways. Now they are bound to be reincarnated endlessly supposedly, to either avenge the children or break the curse somehow.

  3. Jade is Christopher’s reincarnation, and Tabitha is Miranda’s.

  4. Incorporating the above, this is not their only incarnations, only the most recent. In one of those reincarnations they had a child.

  5. The creatures/original settlers are unkillable, at least not in a way that lasts. They seem to only come out at night.

  6. The tunnels are where the creatures seem to hibernate/slumber but it’s unknown if all of them do so as some are shown to be awake during the daytime within the tunnels.

  7. The creatures have mysterious cave drawings within the tunnels, and seem to collect various deceased settlers’ belongings deep in the caverns where they reside.

  8. We know some of the residents have dreams about this place, seemingly hinting that arriving in Fromville is likely predetermined, dismissing residents’ freewill altogether.

  9. The lighthouse serves as the portal between the world outside Fromville and the town itself. Though reaching it is an unjusified lethal trek, since exiting Fromville is pointless if it can pull you back in.

  10. Farway trees have a drawback in that you can never predict where you’ll end up, making their use for escape from town a perilous gamble.

  11. Victor is the sole survivor in the previous cycle, he’s been traumatized by guilt over the death of his mother and sister and repressed crucial memories about this town for years. Though, an unreliable narrator due to trauma influencing his recollections.

  12. The talismans work in largely mysterious ways; while it requires secured confined spaces where it can be hanged on the wall preventing the creatures entry. While shrouded in many unknowns, we do know it cannot be used by holding it in the palm of your hand, or out in the open.

  13. The Man in the Yellow Suit was the one talking to Jim on the phone, possibly responsible for the calls from his dead son Thomas as well.

  14. The town or whoever is controlling it any time the town’s inhabitants make any kind of progress, is keen on immediately setting them back.

  15. The town looks to be assembled from a few small buildings that were seemingly plucked at random. Notably, there's a sign for a motel and an empty pool nearby, but no actual motel building to go with them.

  16. The town doesn't obey natural laws and seems to be capable of anything, including providing power to all the buildings despite the lack of a power grid (or even actual wires in the power cables). The place doesn't even have a fixed location; Fatimah ended up there while traveling from Colorado to Oregon, Jade ended up there while traveling from NYC to Miami, Father Khatri was traveling from Illinois to Wisconsin, several others (including Kristi, Donna, and the Liu family) were trapped while on trips that never left their respective states of Michigan, Montana, and Texas, and if the map in Boyd's office is accurate, at least one person in the town was trapped while in Alaska.

  17. The forest surrounding the town as well. The monsters emerging from it every night already make it supernatural, but exploring it just brings up more mysteries — on his first extended exploration, Boyd discovered a ruined structure composed of stones that repel the creatures from buildings when hung from a doorway. Later, he and Sara find their tent moved by something overnight, ending up in a grove covered in giant spiderwebs, wherein Boyd sees what appears to be his dead wife suspended in a cocoon, before they later stumble across a giant lighthouse.

  18. The creatures are omnisenceint or at least the town is somehow aware of what the townspeople are talking about during the day or when the monsters are nowhere close, suggesting that the town itself is listening to their conversations.

  19. Notably, only Christopher, Victor, Ethan and Sarah can see the Boy in White as he attempts to guide them in uncovering the town’s secrets/ to safety. However, tBiW seems reluctant to help realising that it would only lead to failure and disaster, letting the residents figure things out for themselves.

  20. Christopher is linked to the massacre of the last cycle of residents in Fromville. Whether his obsession with the symbol drove him to utter madness, or a misremembering from Victor troubled memories is yet to be seen.

  21. Miranda was killed just as she was about to reach the faraway tree leading to the tower where she believed the children were trapped.

  22. Julie in Ethan’s words is a story walker, able to visit and witness past events, but unable to change it.

  23. The Crominockle story book could be significant to the events happening in Fromville.

  24. The 12 digits on the bottle tree (0-9 + 2 & 7 written backwards) correspond to 12 notes on the musical scale. Associative with a lullaby used to be played by the two who refused to sacrifice the children.

  25. ‘’Anghkooey’’ means ‘’remember’’.

  26. The music box entity manfiested another horror for the town’s residents in the form of a puzzle lullaby. Only Bakta the bus driver knows the music box lullaby from her grandmother.

  27. Martin is/was a mysterious ex marines seemingly trapped in the dungeon in the forest being subjugated to torturous horrors with blood worms under his skin, and the music box entity. He reveals that the monsters are only the tip of the spear, and wishes only to die. Two other corpses are shown trapped alongside him. Martin also has knowledge of Abby’s final words to Boyd, despite seemingly not recognising him, while also apparently familiar with Julie given his reaction to her sudden appearance in the dungeon announcing her name.

  28. Similarly, once the music box is revealed in the dungeon, Randall, Julie and Marielle have cicadas entre their bodies inducing a nightmarish torture as their souls seemingly trapped in the dungeon where Martin was, until they were set free when Boyd destroyed the music box.

  29. In Jade’s explanation of the 1st rule of Thermodynamics, the deceased souls which is made of energy could linger in some manner or form within Fromville.

  30. There’s something/someone that prowls at night in the settlement with the protective totems, it seems to be different from the creatures.

  31. The Kimono ghost is an evil entity that is working with creatures seemingly able to rebirth them using females in Fromville as hosts.

Tired of seeing posts of people complaining about the lack of clues and intel that show has given us, so I made a list of information we have learned so far. Please help me add to it, if I missed anything and hopefully have it guide theorists and confused viewers alike.

  1. Once you see the felled tree blocking the road, it’s too late, welcome to Fromville. Made worse by a creepy murder of crows cawing away at the new arrivals from above.

  2. Fromville is upheld by an apparent curse that sets-up the entire setting for the plot. The original town settlers an unspecified number of years ago entered a deal with the devil; the sacrifice of every child in town in return for immortality. Two of the original residents contested this deal, nevertheless, an attempt to save the children by the two is mounted but ultimately fails, and their child would succumb victim to the sacrifices anyways. Now they are bound to be reincarnated endlessly supposedly, to either avenge the children or break the curse somehow.

  3. Jade is Christopher’s reincarnation, and Tabitha is Miranda’s.

  4. Incorporating the above, this is not their only incarnations, only the most recent. In one of those reincarnations they had a child.

  5. The creatures/original settlers are unkillable, at least not in a way that lasts. They seem to only come out at night.

  6. The tunnels are where the creatures seem to hibernate/slumber but it’s unknown if all of them do so as some are shown to be awake during the daytime within the tunnels.

  7. The creatures have mysterious cave drawings within the tunnels, and seem to collect various deceased settlers’ belongings deep in the caverns where they reside.

  8. We know some of the residents have dreams about this place, seemingly hinting that arriving in Fromville is likely predetermined, dismissing residents’ freewill altogether.

  9. The lighthouse serves as the portal between the world outside Fromville and the town itself. Though reaching it is an unjusified lethal trek, since exiting Fromville is pointless if it can pull you back in.

  10. Farway trees have a drawback in that you can never predict where you’ll end up, making their use for escape from town a perilous gamble.

  11. Victor is the sole survivor in the previous cycle, he’s been traumatized by guilt over the death of his mother and sister and repressed crucial memories about this town for years. Though, an unreliable narrator due to trauma influencing his recollections.

  12. The talismans work in largely mysterious ways; while it requires secured confined spaces where it can be hanged on the wall preventing the creatures entry. While shrouded in many unknowns, we do know it cannot be used by holding it in the palm of your hand, or out in the open.

  13. The Man in the Yellow Suit was the one talking to Jim on the phone, possibly responsible for the calls from his dead son Thomas as well.

  14. The town or whoever is controlling it any time the town’s inhabitants make any kind of progress, is keen on immediately setting them back.

  15. The town looks to be assembled from a few small buildings that were seemingly plucked at random. Notably, there's a sign for a motel and an empty pool nearby, but no actual motel building to go with them.

  16. The town doesn't obey natural laws and seems to be capable of anything, including providing power to all the buildings despite the lack of a power grid (or even actual wires in the power cables). The place doesn't even have a fixed location; Fatimah ended up there while traveling from Colorado to Oregon, Jade ended up there while traveling from NYC to Miami, Father Khatri was traveling from Illinois to Wisconsin, several others (including Kristi, Donna, and the Liu family) were trapped while on trips that never left their respective states of Michigan, Montana, and Texas, and if the map in Boyd's office is accurate, at least one person in the town was trapped while in Alaska.

  17. The forest surrounding the town as well. The monsters emerging from it every night already make it supernatural, but exploring it just brings up more mysteries — on his first extended exploration, Boyd discovered a ruined structure composed of stones that repel the creatures from buildings when hung from a doorway. Later, he and Sara find their tent moved by something overnight, ending up in a grove covered in giant spiderwebs, wherein Boyd sees what appears to be his dead wife suspended in a cocoon, before they later stumble across a giant lighthouse.

  18. The creatures are omnisenceint or at least the town is somehow aware of what the townspeople are talking about during the day or when the monsters are nowhere close, suggesting that the town itself is listening to their conversations.

  19. Notably, only Christopher, Victor, Ethan and Sarah can see the Boy in White as he attempts to guide them in uncovering the town’s secrets/ to safety. However, tBiW seems reluctant to help realising that it would only lead to failure and disaster, letting the residents figure things out for themselves.

  20. Christopher is linked to the massacre of the last cycle of residents in Fromville. Whether his obsession with the symbol drove him to utter madness, or a misremembering from Victor troubled memories is yet to be seen.

  21. Miranda was killed just as she was about to reach the faraway tree leading to the tower where she believed the children were trapped.

  22. Julie in Ethan’s words is a story walker, able to visit and witness past events, but unable to change it.

  23. The Crominockle story book could be significant to the events happening in Fromville.

  24. The 12 digits on the bottle tree (0-9 + 2 & 7 written backwards) correspond to 12 notes on the musical scale. Associative with a lullaby used to be played by the two who refused to sacrifice the children.

  25. ‘’Anghkooey’’ means ‘’remember’’.

  26. The music box entity manfiested another horror for the town’s residents in the form of a puzzle lullaby. Only Bakta the bus driver knows the music box lullaby from her grandmother.

  27. Martin is/was a mysterious ex marines seemingly trapped in the dungeon in the forest being subjugated to torturous horrors with blood worms under his skin, and the music box entity. He reveals that the monsters are only the tip of the spear, and wishes only to die. Two other corpses are shown trapped alongside him. Martin also has knowledge of Abby’s final words to Boyd, despite seemingly not recognising him, while also apparently familiar with Julie given his reaction to her sudden appearance in the dungeon announcing her name.

  28. Similarly, once the music box is revealed in the dungeon, Randall, Julie and Marielle have cicadas entre their bodies inducing a nightmarish torture as their souls seemingly trapped in the dungeon where Martin was, until they were set free when Boyd destroyed the music box.

  29. In Jade’s explanation of the 1st rule of Thermodynamics, the deceased souls which is made of energy could linger in some manner or form within Fromville.

  30. There’s something/someone that prowls at night in the settlement with the protective totems, it seems to be different from the creatures.

  31. The Kimono ghost is an evil entity that is working with creatures seemingly able to rebirth them using females in Fromville as hosts.