Could Elizabeth’s scooping have happened at the same time as TMCI?
I just saw Game Theory’s newest video regarding how Afton may have had an acomplise during his hayday. However, one detail kind of stood out to me.
Why does the numbers alwas change between 5 and 6 duing the «Into the pit» story?
When the video claims that because plushbaby’s eyes were blue, therfore the plushy is based on Circus Baby before Elizabeth’s scooping, this means that the scoop must have happened in 1985. However, how does this fit together with the Missing Childrens Incident?
My theory is this:
William afton and Henry had diffrent pizzarias, Freddy Fazbears Pizza, and Circus Baby’s Pizza world, maybe owned by a parent company where both Henry and William were in charge. This is around the same time before MCI.
William was always gonna use the Funtime animatronics to hunt down and kill children by making the Funtimes lure the children away and hide them until William could kill them himself. This is ofcourse after Charlotte’s death at the Diner.
William was mad at Henry (or some other thing he was mad/jelous about), and he thought that if he dressed up as the Yellow Rabbit, lured kids to their deaths at Henry’s resturant, the place would get bad PR, therefore people would maybe start to come to Circus Baby’s insted, with more children. But he still wanted to use his original plan with the Funtimes, but since it was the opening day of Circus baby, he thought he had an alibi by working, but he really was going to Freddy’s, leaving the Funtimes to do the work by luring kids. However, he didn’t take in one factor in this. Elizabeth.
Disregarding her fathers word by staying away from the animatronics, due to her father being away doing «works things» she wanted to take a look at Baby. However, she gets scooped, and none find her. And since her father is busy, he doesn’t find out until it’s to late. Therefore, Elizabeth becomes Baby. William afton is away, commiting the acts we know as The Missing Childrens Incident.
William returns to Circus Baby, hoping to find a child to kill, hoping his creations worked. This would be such a field day for him. He got revenge on Henry, his creations would be working just as intended and becuase of the bad PR this would create for Henry, Circus baby’s would be filled with freash victims. However, when he discovers that the child the animatronics captured was his own Daughter, things changed. Circus baby’s closed down due to «gas leaks».
This theory is maybe not waterproof but i think it holds some narative and thematic points. Like Belora’s song.
This would also explain why the numbers changed from 5 to 6 at diffrent times. The number 6 may not mean 6 MISSING children, but 6 dead, with Elizabeth being the 6th.
What do ya’ll think?
Did the MCI happen around the same time as Elizabeths death?