Inverter Generator as Standy-By?

Good evening,

I am starting the process of having propane "installed" at my house - 1,000 gallons would need to be buried and got pricey, I think I may go with 200 gallons above ground to side of garage (out of sight).

We lose power a decent amount and a big winter storm two years ago had everybody running out of propane in a few days because of their generators. It seems like inverter makes sense to be more fuel efficient, considering I don't really want much more than the basics..

-well pump (edit: i am seeing these have a big "surge" in the beginning - i would not want to risk damaging my well pump motor with an underpowered generator). could also skip it because our water tank will last awhile if careful but at the same time, if i'm going through the hassle to get a generator, it would be nice to have water

-fridge and freezer so food doesn't spoil

-a few lights and outlets

No HVAC, water heater etc. needs. The main thing is I don't want to worry about my food spoiling each time. Are there any inverter generators in the nice housing that switch on automatically? Or should I just get a low capacity standard generator? I don't mind paying more for more capacity, but don't want to burn through my propane immediately. Seems like 10 kW may be less than 2 gallons of fuel/hr?


PS I tried the wiki but the page was down