What do women over 50 want for Christmas?

Hi everyone! I’m a college student just trying to figure out what gift to get my dad’s girlfriend. My dad is 45 and his girlfriend is 53. They started dating a year and a half ago and moved in together a few months ago; she’s super nice and genuine and overall have a great time whenever we interact. I want to make sure I get a good present(s) that she’d actually be excited to get.

It’s just so hard to come up with ideas cause she’s one of those people that just seems to have everything. I’ve been trying real hard to pay attention to what she likes and here’s what I came up with so far: handcrafted mugs from local potters, cooking (though idk if she’d want gifts in this arena), classical music, Harry Potter, lux pajama sets, lululemon items (half her wardrobe is from there).

Budget: $150 max

I definitely overthink these things but want to make sure it’s enough. Any advice is appreciated :)

Reposted from my first community to get as much as advice as possible.

Edit: NO GIFT CARDS! She’s a teacher and already has hundreds (actually!) from her students that she never uses. She doesn’t need anymore 😭

Edit 2: In response to more of these messages I’ve been getting: I KNOW ALL WOMEN AREN’T THE SAME! If you read the rest of my post, you can see that I’m asking for help on brainstorming for ideas with the interests she already has, more than anything else! There’s no problem wanting to utilize all my options and hear ideas from potentially like minded people. And the suggestions I’ve gotten are great so far, so thank you everyone! I could’ve picked a better title, sure. But I didn’t.