S5ep2 Lindsay shoulve said something
I wish Lindsay would've said something to rory instead of her mother yelling at Rory. Imgaine coming home and reading that letter. I'm glad we see Lindsay yelling at Dean, because he 100% was in the wrong and needed a lamp to be thrown at him, and he was the one who skewed the truth so he could get what he wanted. (Yes i get that iT's JuSt a ShOw) but i always wonder what Dean was hoping for lol That he could have both Rory and Linday or do you think he would've left Lindsay? Because he doesn't seem like he was "strong enough" to actually do the leaving and having to admit his hasty marriage didn't work out. I do like the episode, because there should always be repercussions for actions like that, but I wish Lindsay would've said something to rory instead of the mothers getting into it