Dude, why?

I am glad Kanye is active on this subreddit, because I want him to see this. Your ego has gotten the best of you, and you actually let fame get to your head. You've disappointed numerous amounts of people that have once looked up to you, all because you are too stubborn and stupid to realize that not only are you hurting us, you are doing that to yourself.

People hate you with a burning passion, and I will be damned if I said this wasn't valid. You make remarks that couldn't be taken back, you did stuff that couldn't be forgiven. You lied about dates, religion, music, and your devotion to Chicago. This is a guy this who still loves your music. But... GET. YOUR. STUFF. TOGETHER. And surround yourself with people who don't say "yes" at your every f'ing breath.

I – No, WE are sick of you, but we want the best for you.
But you keep destroying yourself. Dude...

(EDIT: Bro is coming up with his own bars... I don't take back what I said, but he might be back? C'mon, Kanye, make a comeback.)