Having trouble learning Gwen (JG)


To get it out of the way, I am in iron. Yep. I've been playing since about last August and spent much of that time bouncing between too many champs, foolishly taking them into ranked and getting rinsed.

More recently however I've focused better and narrowed my ranked pool to WW, Eve and Gwen.

I really like Gwen, both as a character and as this off meta choice that has the potential to dominate.

I recognize I haven't put a ton of time into her, probably about 30-40 games across ranked and norms. There a lot of generic improvement I can make in general, being as I am in iron.

But I struggle with her specifically in a way I don't with WW or Eve. With them it's very clear what to do in combat. WW wants to duel and pressure early and his bruiser-tankiness via healing makes that pretty forgiving. Eve wants to pop off her straightforward combo from stealth, snowball and GTFO.

With Gwen I occasionally have the game that she's known and played for; Powerfarm until your ult and first item or two and then begin to take over the game scaling into a god. But more typically I do successfully powerfarm until the items and spikes....and then proceed to do nothing more than pull my own weight, often not even that.

I get blown up fast in combat without popping off any decent damage and team fights are even worse, I get focused and dealt with, even knowing I'm not the engage or a Frontline, and playing like it.

I really think it's my W usage. It just feels like not enough time or range to crack off AAs and Qs to make an impact and never enough to do the advertised 1v2/3/4 or be a DPS beast.

I've watched plenty of YT videos and guides about how to play her JG or what her combos are such that they are but I can't seem to translate this into gameplay. Can anyone help identify where I'm going wrong?