Achievements ≠ Self worth
Too many of us have been conditioned from the start that we are known by 'what we achieve' not by 'who we are.' Character takes the backseat while external achievements take the frontseat.
As adults we often end up with low self worth because of this very reason. We are so focused on the outside rather than the inside of our being.
For some, this becomes a mad obsession which puts them to the extremes. They think that the 'next big thing' will make them happy inside, but it never happens. They follow a vicious cycle of delaying their own well-being for some vague achievement which continues till their death and they never stop to think about what actually matters to them.
But its not their fault as almost everyone is never taught to focus on character first instead of the achievements. Character and self worth comes first before any achievement.
If the internal world is strong, then it can achieve anything externally but if its fragile, one may achieve many things but will never find inner peace.
Now it doesn't mean that achievements have no importance. They hold a lot of importance and helps improve our confidence but they should come later. Or atleast achievements should run parallel to character development and inner growth.
Even if you haven't achieved anything significant in life, please don't hate yourself for that. Instead think about what is actually 'significant' or 'important' to you and don't judge that much by societal standards because they are fragile to begin with.
So never value your existence by the achievements you have or don't have. If you associate your happiness with an achievement for long then it becomes all consuming, when it was mainly about the person you became in the journey.
Your character matters and so does your achievements but what matters most is your existence. Everything is possible only if you exist.