How do you deal with desire for relationships?

Hi, I'm (26M) trying to better understand how to apply the mentality and framework shift from the Dr. K deep dive into desire, with relationships.

So, from my understanding, I need to let go of cherishing a desire. But I'm struggling on a few fronts on applying this into a workable action plan. For one, isn't there a more deeply rooted human need for companionship and acceptance, that comes from a relationship? How do I satisfy that need and also strip desire from it?

Another thing, I'm trying to get out there and date more. I am seeing no success on dating apps, despite my best efforts. I am very sociable, and attend parties with people weekly, and have no issues striking up conversation or talking to people. Yet I still seem to heavily struggle with dating, I don't seem to meet any available women, and the reality is that the majority of couples these days meet via dating apps.

I get that having a desire for a relationship creates longing, but doesn't the desire for a relationship also drive me to go out there an meet new people, and be available to date someone?

Any help trying to better frame how I should be approaching dating, while also incorporating a better framework for desire, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!