Ultimate Steriliser Improvement Concept
This is a hot topic for a while now.
Lets be honest, the concept of it is great and the orbital gas strike is really good but the 'bad breath dog' and more importantly the 'steriliser' are incredibly disappointing and weak compare to basically every other option available.
So I present to you an all round improvement, without just upping the damage! :
There you have it.
Both toxic and corrosive would deal the same amount of damage, the same damage it does now, so no difference there. It would fulfil a perfect support role since removing an adversaries armour doesnt actually kill it. A squad firing their primaries or typically ineffective against armour weapon stratagems, like the stalwart, could take down elite units when focused on... either saving a heavy ordinance, or in a pinch.
Being able to degrade armour even against some of the weaker enemies could bring a lot of primary weapons that have very poor penetration to light as well. Especially the smgs.
Some clarification for the armour degradation, I think in order to keep it from being annoying I think it should just allow all weapons even those with poor penetration to be able to deal damage while under the effect. Though obviously, depending on the firearm the damage will be minimal, the main point being is it wont bounce or not pen so you can contribute to the kill regardless what youre running. Weapons with medium pen would do most of its damage while those with light would do half as much.
The cone I think is self explanatory. It is after all supposed to be more of a gas than a liquid unlike the flamethrower. We should be able to control the nozzle to make it wider so we dont have to swing around as much when targeting hordes of smaller enemies, while being able to decrease it as well for more pressure and thus a longer range.
These changes not only deepen the amount of strategic approaches you have while wielding it but also promote team play... all without just making it a green flamethrower.
I just want this thing to be better, I really love it as a weapon its just very underwhelming atm.