[3.1] Summary of notable Paths changes via HomDGCat

For full detail please visit https://homdgcat.wiki/sr/du31?lang=EN


- More focused on path-specific keywords.

- 1* gives general buffs, while majority of 2* and 3* enhance the keywords in some way.

- The key to success seems to be taking advantage of the keyword, and pick the equation that plays nicely with said keywords.

- Many equations are pretty much the same as ones in Human Comedy, just with keywords switches around with value adjusted (and renamed to confuse you further.)


- No longer involves Freeze and Dissociation, though Path Resonance (obtained with 16 Remembrance blessing) still inflicts Freeze

- Reworked into a general buff Path, with more synergy with Memosprite though not restricted to it.

- New Keyword: Obsession. A stackable %HP and %ATK buff that slightly falls off every turn.

- EDIT: Each Obsession stack affects all allies, and Memosprite can have Obsession as well. That means at max (20) stacks per ally, a team with 1 Remembrance character can have up to 100 Obsession stacks in calculation at a time due to having basically 5 Obsession holders.

- EDIT: When ally targets enter battle or when a memosprite is summoned, gain 8 stack(s) of Obsession. After taking action, there is a 30% fixed chance to gain 1 stack of Obsession. For each Blessing of Remembrance in possession, the fixed chance additionally increases by 2.5%, up to 20% (for a total of 50% fixed chance to gain Obsession after taking action).

- 1* Blessings buff general stat such as %ATK, %DMG, %DEF. Some blessing provides larger buff for memosprites. Some blessing provides buff after a memosprite takes action.

- 2* and 3* Blessings mostly revolves around Obsession, either help stacking them or expand its buffing capabilities. Some takes advantage of 'different ally acting consecutively' to apply powerful debuff.


- Suspicion removed.

- New Keyword: Murmur. Basically Arcana stacks that clears a certian amount of it after it deals damage. The damage is based on a sum of all allies' ATK.

- EDIT: When enemy target receives DoT, Murmur gains Charges equal to 5% of DMG dealt, up to 10% of the sum of all ally characters' ATK.

- 1* Blessings now has EHR buff, and bonus %ATK / SPD after inflicting a debuff. 'Energy per DoT triggered' is nerfed to 1 /1.5 from 2 / 3.

- 'Heal on DoT' is moved from 1* to 2*.

- Many 2* Blessings and 3* Blessings revolve around Murmur. Either for stacking or enhancing its damage capability.

- 'Increased WBE' (Night Beyond Pyre) Blessing removed from Nihility (crying screaming throwing up).

- Out of the old 3* Blessings, only 'trigger DoT 1 extra time' remains.

- Is also European now?

The Hunt

- 1* Blessings still buff CRIT and SPD.

- 1* Blessings now has a bunch of 'buff entire team when an enemy is defeated'.

- That means the current 2* 'Heal entire team when an enemy is defeated' is now 1*.

- 2* Blessings mostly buff character with Critical Boost. And some blessings with some action advance shaningans.

- 'Gain a stack of Critical Boost at the start of each turn' is moved from 3* to 2*.

- 'Excess CRIT Rate from Critical Boost is converted to CRIT DMG' moved from 2* to 3*.


- Is now an amalgamation of classic SU Destruction, Abundance, and Preservation.

- Grit removed

- New Keyword: Blazar, a charge value that records 40% of HP fluctation and shield reduction. A Dewdrop for HP changes and damaged shield basically.

- EDIT: The Base Value of Blazar will not be at least 50% of Max HP. After receiving an attack, deals Additional DMG equal to 150% of Blazar to the attacker. This DMG cannot defeat enemy targets. Every Blessing of Destruction in possession increases this DMG by 15% of Blazar, up to 120%.

- 1* Blessings includes damage reduction, Effect RES, %HP, Incoming Healing, Incoming Shield, and that one revive Blessing.

- Some 1* Blessings now gives bonus when shield is reduced in addition to when HP is reduced.

- 2* Blessings buffs Blazar damage, and allows it to charge upon receiving shield or heal. Some 2* Blessings also increases survivability at low health.

- 3* Blessings help retaining Blazar charges and increases its damage further.

- Out of the old 3* Blessings, only 'Distribute damage taken among all allies' remains.


- 1* Blessings that increases DMG and CRIT of FUA also affects Additional DMG as well (Robin stonks?)

- 1* Blessings that buff SPD or DEF upon FUA now buff the entire team.

- A bunch of 2* Blessings now triggers upon Aftertaste instead of solely FUA. Only 'FUA has DEF ignore' and 'FUA has increased WBE' remain specific to FUA.

- 'Deal Aftertaste DMG on weakness broken enemy' effect moved from 3* to 2*, and nerfed to only deal Aftertaste on weakness broken enemy, though this should enable non-FUA characters to deal Aftertaste DMG.

- 'Whenever dealing Aftertaste DMG via attacks, deal 1 additional instance of Aftertaste DMG' effect moved from 2* to 3*

- Champion's Dinner: Cat's Cradle retuns in a way. New 3* Blessings allows a number of attacks after using Ult to deals Aftertaste DMG, with Ult itself included once this blessing is enhanced.

- Delays enemies on FUA remains, and still 3*.


- Spore removed

- New Keyword: Soul Chrysalis / Butterfly Soul. Soul Chrysalis is a pool of team effort charge thing. Once the charge reachs 100% it will hatch into Butterfly Soul, allowing the next 8 instances of damaging Basic/Skills to deal bonus True DMG. Rinse and repeat.

- EDIT: At the start of the battle, Soul Chrysalis gains 30% Charge. For every Skill Point consumed, additionally gains 8% Charge (at the baseline the first Butterfly Soul requires 9 SP consumed to activate, and every Butterfly Soul after requires 13 SP).

- Notable change: Now buff Skill DMG in addition to Basic Attacks.

- 1* Blessings buffs aforementioned Skill DMG and Basics, and some grant buffs on SP consumption.

- 2* Blessings helps charges Soul Chrysalis and buff Butterfly Soul further.

- 3* buffs Soul Chrysalis and Butterfly Soul as expected

- That one Blessing that increases CRIT DMG after consuming SP (Scythe Limbs equivalent) now affects the entire team and seems to not expire, ever. Max stack is 40 with 2% / 3% CRIT DMG per stack so yes, team effort all the way. Enhancing it also gives stack on regaining SP.


- A bunch of Blessings now affects only Ultimate and not AoE attacks in general.

- 'Gains Energy upon entering battle' effect moved from 2* to 1*, and nerfed to 40% / 60% of max Energy.

- New 2* Blessings helps charging Brain In A Vat when a character is attacked.

- Retains 2* the Blessings that 'Delays broken enemies when using Ult on them' and 'Increased AoE attacks DMG if it hits only 1 enemy'

- 3* 'Brain In A Vat on break' is heavily nerfed. Now charges 10% / 15% as a baseline and increased by 40% / 45% against Elites, and no longer charges on attacking a weakness broken enemies,


- New path! Focus on break.

- Spoiler: No enhancing WBE Blessing to be found. Ruan Mei and E1 Fugue are expected to be working overtime.

- EDIT: Posssessing Harmony blessing increases ally target's Weakness Break Efficiency by 8%. Every Blessing of Harmony in possession additionally increases Weakness Break Efficiency by 4%, up to 32% for a total of 40% WBE.

- Keyword: Harmonize. Think of it as a stackable Quantum Entanglement of sorts. A stackable supposedly debuff that increases Break Damage, and explode at the start of enemies' turn, dealing Quantum DMG. Stacks are cleared once that enemy recovers form break.

- EDIT: When Breaking enemy target's Weakness, inflicts 5 stack(s) of "Harmonize" to them.

- 1* Blessings includes further delay on break, increased Break Effect, increased Break Damage, and SPD / Break Effect / Heal on breaking enemy.

- Most of 2* Blessings buff Harmonize further. Odd 2 outs have one gives Super Break DMG and one inflicts Freeze on break.

- One of 3* Blessings give Harmonize stacks for each Toughness Reduction

- Another triggers a portion of Harmonize DMG immediately when attacking a broken enemy

- And the last one causes all weakness break effect on an enemy that is not of the breaker's type to also triggers with reduced DMG.