Venison Liver. What happened? Should I be concerned?

Got a buck last year, field dressed it and brought it to our former butcher who packaged the liver up for me. I’d never eaten nor dealt with liver up until this point, so I had no clue what to expect. He vacuum sealed it, and about 3 months later, I thawed it out and gave it a go. Something didn’t seem right to me, but believe it or not, I still cooked some of it. I took a bite and almost immediately spit it out. I’m about 99% sure this wasn’t a liver shot.

I’ve been reading a little bit about liver flukes and cysticercosis, and was just a little worried because, while I basically immediately spit out the liver of that buck, I did chew into it and wound up eating the rest of the meat. Any concern I should have or stop being a wuss?