Platform SSO Not Functioning as Intended on MacOS

Hello! Current awaiting response from Microsoft on two tickets surrounding this, figured that we would poke the community to see if anyone has gotten this working. We've also opened tickets with Apple on this, who pointed us back to Microsoft/Intune support.

We've been trying to get Platform SSO working in our mac environment for the last few weeks and it seems to be semi-functional, but not creating a new account on the mac when a new user goes to sign into mac from the lock screen. We can set up from the OOBE fine and dandy, create a password for the local user, then sync the password for that local user to the first account that registers the mac, but if a new user (ex. an admin signing on to a user's mac) attempts to sign in from the lock screen, the password bar jiggles as if we've typed in a bad password. This sign-in, however, is hitting our Entra logs as a successful signin. The problem here seems to be somewhere in the process of Entra talking to the mac to create a local account associated with that Entra ID. We have configured the configuration policy exactly as the documentation at states, with the "Enable Create User At Logon" setting enabled.

Anyone gotten this pSSO fully working and have any tips or tricks to fix what's going on here? Other youtube videos and tutorials appear make it look like the "Enable Create User At Login" should just work.

I realize this may be off topic for this subreddit, but does anyone have any insight into reading logs generated from sysdiagnose? WE generated logs with the documentation here. This generated about 1.2gb of varying files and folders that seem impossible to read from a text editor, I'm guessing we're missing a piece of software or command that makes these more legible.