Need a random generator for generic trinkets

So for our "explore this ruined city campaign" I picked up Sorcerer, and became the local expert on weird stuff. Now, we've established that real true magic (idk if we've established psychics as a thing in-game yet) is very...enigmatic and unusual and nobody really knows what the heck is going on, and since I was going off of Riddle-Master of Hed vibes I wanted it to be a fairy tale/poetic magic, where my guy does stuff by taking the symbolic meaning of objects and using them as reagents (battery = energy/power, salt = restoration a la smelling salts, tie the two together and ignite with a magic lighter and wham, some magical smelling salts to wake up some of the party members who had fallen asleep due to some weird crystal dust being blown on the wind). Now, to keep myself from getting away with this, I'm keeping a small inventory of useful reagents (ex. My guy currently has soap, a data drive, and a bandana he could use if he's clever enough) so I don't just pull whatever out of my hat- ignoring check your gear, this gives me creative constraints. Now I know there's the trinket oracle from sundered isles, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a random claptrap table I could use.