Men and Their Egos
TLDR: Just pay for the damn date ya cheap bastard! WTH is wrong with men 😩
I just got off a thread where guys are seriously arguing about whether or not to pay for a ladies date. And I -
I just feel like men are so lost. I am a woman. I want to be flattered and taken care of and loved. It’s not crazy to want men to pay for our dates. Like…
Love isn’t transactional. But it ABSOLUTELY is a service to each person in the relationship. It’s not a feeling. It’s an action. (YeS ThIS InClUDeS WoMeN)
Come on now…
It should make you proud to provide. So what if the date is a picnic in the park or ice cream/coffee date or an elaborate trip - you need to be the one to pay for it. Plan it. Do it within your means and budget. Balm your lady. Foreplay starts when you wake up and builds as the day goes by. Those text messages and communication women ask for, attention, gifts, acts of service… all of that is foreplay, niggas. Damn. Like 1+1=2.
Y’all ego is getting in the way of… everything.
Women: Take us out on dates and give us gifts. We love that 😍
Men: gold digger!
Women: insert viola davis gif picking up bag, rolling eyes and walking away
I mean… I guess if your strategy of using your $ as a tool/weapon(by withholding) to get a loving relationship is working… go off.
But I really need to know if y’all are being fr. Because it literally makes 0 sense to me.