Shouldn’t ADOR just be dismantled if NewJeans actually do leave?
Before you guys jump on this because I know how y’all like to fight, just think objectively for a moment.
ADOR entire branding was created by Min Heejin and the former ADOR executives. ADOR as a company also managed to created a sort of “image” and “aesthetic” for their subsidiary that other sub-labels in HYBE haven’t really, just for comparison look at ADOR’s instagram and compare it to the other sub-labels one.
ADOR doesn’t have a lot of staff, it’s either 38 or way less. Among these staff many of the lead creatives such as performance director, design directors etc have shown a higher loyalty to NewJeans and MHJ then they have to HYBE either by signing the petition or publicly defending NewJeans. ADOR doesn’t have any in-house producers, all of NewJeans main producers e.g 250/FRNK, are sourced by Min Heejin from BANA who is run by a former SM executive. So if NewJeans leaves, highly doubting MHJ would be kept by HYBE, a lot of those connections and key workers are likely to not stay in HYBE especially considering they’ve have been vocally/action wise anti-HYBE.
I don’t think HYBE would try pull a Fifty-Fifty 2.0 with NewJeans. Regardless of international opinion, korean opinion still out weighs NewJeans and just by comparison of reactions from the public. Many people were against the original Fifty-Fifty and defended ARRKART instead versus NewJeans who many industry + public support and are against HYBE instead. Those systematics makes it extremely difficult to try make a new jeans with the same name and singing the same songs without mass backlash.
This is a rumour but apparently ADOR trainees were being transferred or given to opportunity to transfer to another company.
So with all that down, ADOR without these factors does become a sort of hollow shell. They are the youngest label and they don’t have acts that preceded them like other sub-labels eg Pledis, SourceMusic, BigHit. They don’t really have an essence if MHJ and NewJeans, and the staff that are credited for the aspects that make NewJeans eg styling, choreo its own stand out brand if they are removed from the equation.
HYBE could create another group, but they most likely will have to hire new staff and do a complete rebrand and at that point, you might as well just make a new label. But at the same time what is the point of making a new label for a group? When HYBE was created the multi-label system was meant to give everyone their own “teams” and independence, but we’ve seen that producers in HYBE work with every group even beyond their own labels even choreographers, managers, bodyguards move around a lot. Their promotions and brands are managed by HYBE department too.
To conclude, wouldn’t it just make no sense for HYBE to dismantle ADOR?