Time to meet up
Did it ever happen to you that your partner can’t seem to take days off when you’ve planned to come and visit him/her?
This is the second occurrence now that I am coming and exciting to visit for Nee Years and just have asked if he’s able to take 2 days off at the beginning of the year. I wanted to secure the days off because the flights are getting more and more expensive. He kept telling me that he will try and he will talk to him manager. He still didn’t actually manage to get this booked off.
I ended up booking the flights as the prices were going up and up without the certainty that he could take it off.
Fast forward to 4 weeks later, he’s telling me he may not be able to due to work commitments that he’s already off one week of Christmas.
I feel disheartened because I was hoping to spend as much time with him over the new years. It’s also only 2 days that he could take off work and apparently managing directors might come to their site. He is in sales.
Previously, this also happened that he couldn’t take time off, same 2 days cos he had to come into work for important meetings. I managed to get time off and basically the week before I flew over, we had a big fight that ended up for him to not even pick me up in the airport, he went to work instead of taking the one day off that he told me he could.
It’s already difficult as it is with long distance, life in general and it looks like he’s only going to get busier with work and his own life. I feel like I’m in the back burner.
He even told me that he will make plans when I’m over and to leave it to him. Now, I feel like the anticipation of coming again to see him has turned sour. Yes it’s only 2 days, but I’m only there for 5 days.
I feel like I’m adjusting to him a lot. Like if he’s got things going on, the calls are cut short. We barely also talk on the phone these days because he was travelling for work and stayed with a friend over the weekend and the week before that he was in and out talking to me as he was on 1 week travel with friends again. I want to express how I feel without having to fight.
Part of me feels like, I’m at my wits end, that maybe I should accept that this may just not work out. I feel like because ever since this whole relationship started, it was also filled with hardships, his finances, the distance, us not being so open to being together, some friends know and some don’t ( we used to work in the same company and we decided not to expose it yet due to gossips).
I just need some middle ground advice as to how to navigate during this time.
I was looking forward to this new year, perhaps new beginning and better life for the both of us. I feel like maybe it’s just a little dream and I need to wake up and be realistic