
When is Lucid coming out with a major software update? After owning two Teslas I find it embarrassing that I bought into the concept that a Lucid would somehow be superior to a Tesla. Everyone here knows of what I speak. Bluetooth key problems Key fob problems. Sirius XM afterthought Standing at your car looking like a complete fool waiting for the car to wake up! Not having the ability to have more than 2 favorites in Navigation (home &work) I could go on and on and you all have your own issues. How are they going to roll out Gravity with these same software “downgrades”? Isn’t anyone in corporate listening to the angst commensurate with spending large amounts of money and receiving a 3rd rate EV software-wise? I would love a Gravity but not with this software!!!

And, I wouldn’t even consider a Gravity if they squander the Air owners who are longing for the experience that they paid for and deserve!!!