Is Richelle the most insidious propagator of toxic masculinity in the history of MAFS?

I admittedly haven't watched a ton of series, but I have seen the likes of Jacob (Jack) and Harrison on the AU version and think she may actually be worse because of how she's flying under the radar of those around her. The men's behaviour was blatantly awful, but it was so in your face and obvious and constantly called out by the likes of, for example, Lauren, but even John Aiken, one of the experts. Richelle, amidst all her other terrible comments about Orson not being "a real man" or "the man for her", just doubled down on that when questioned by saying "masculinity is leadership", which could be interpreted as invalidating every woman leader on the planet, all while nobody bats an eyelid, at least that makes it into the content of the show.

Maybe it's just because she engages in such consistently ugly behaviour that the accumulation of all these little things has impacted me so much, but my wife, who has watched much more MAFS that I have, said pretty much exactly what I have been thinking after last night's episode too. Thoughts?