Beauty Glow Up 

I suffered from low self-esteem about the way I looked for years and I wanted to be beautiful even if I didn't think this was possible for me without cosmetic surgery and even then I didn't have much hope. Friends of mine were using botox and filler and different kind of surgeries but they were looking older rather than younger, and less attractive. I know this isn't always the case, but from what I read it's when you do it in the wrong vibe, like you feel unattractive and so attract a less positive result. I had seen people spend even more money trying to reverse it so I knew it wasn't for me so I'd set myself a challenge. Plus, I didn't have the money for that though I doubt I would have done it even for free. I know this approach might be good but it just wasn't in my experience and I was seeing reality show people looking worse too so I knew it wasn't just my area. Instead I started to meditate consistently and I did what my circle of friends now call the natural facelift to the stars (because it's what at least one Hollywood star uses), as in the Confidence Evoke. This is the practice where you evoke times you've felt attractive and then stay in those feelings until you start to see manifestation shifts and evidence. I really wish everyone who battles with their appearance like I did would know about this as it's given me my life back. It's now my go-to, take-everywhere-with-me way to give myself an instant lift. I take my pen and paper and a pocket notepad in my bag and that's all I need. People have thought I've had my lips done, my nose done and commented on my hair. I look years younger than I look in old pics and people have mentioned this too. I've gone from feeling unattractive to knowing I'm attractive. I've spent virtually nothing on it and have results that rival the best procedures out there and I know I've always got it for regular touch-ups. It seems unbelievable but what I'd say is try it, not once, but make it a daily routine and you'll be amazed at the results. Confidence Evoking is the cheatcode to instant manifesting and works on many other things apart from beauty too.