Call it divisive if you want. Millenials aged 35+ seem to be more successful. Was it good investment? Good parents? Intentional division by government?
Before you say "paranoid conspiracies" remember that the CIA admitted to MKUltra and many other experiments on civilians, cyber warfare is openly talked about, psyops are real, all of this sounds ridiculous but the government admits to all of it. Spreading division makes control unnecessary.
You guys seem to have benefited from something far more than the ones under 34. Idk what it is. Maybe your parents were more responsible. Maybe you guys were raised by Boomers and not Gen X. MAYBE you guys had good enough wages, with low enough pricing.
A 10acre piece of land that was once $3500 (when I was a kid 2008-2010) is now valued at $350k (2021). You cannot say that is proportional to the increase in pay. We didn't suddenly start getting paid 10X.
I know exactly what happened and you can say im wrong but this is why nobody can afford housing and in turn they cannot save.
Person 1 buys land for 4k. Sells for 10k (2008) Person 2 bought for 10k. Sells for 30k (2012) Person 3 bought for 30k. Sells for 90k (2016) Person 4 thinking "deal!" buys for 90k. Sold 180k (2020) Person 5. "Awesome 180k!" Bought Sells for 350k (2024) Person 6 buys for 350k Sells for 900 thousand.(2028)
Meanwhile everyone is still trying to survive while prices increase because "if everyone else is making more we should be also". Giving profits while the average people see no benefit.
PSA. Just because you have money doesn't mean you are rich. We are rich in knowledge, Rich in experiences. Those of us who do not have alot of money do not envy those that do. We have far more interesting things going on.
Yes. I'm aware there are older millenials who don't have their stuff together and are living paycheck to paycheck. We cannot keep saying "when it's our chance we will make sure nobody struggles". I think that time is now.
Our generation is going to blink and realize we missed our opportunity to change this.
We are supposed to be one of the greatest generations. The ones that are going to "fix this mess" when we get in office. "Change the world" "that's not going to be us" words said by every one of my friends growing up.
"We are not going to be like them, our parents"
But we did. We are being like them. So worried about being right and others "taking what I got" Meanwhile funneling every penny we earn into these mega corporations/land Lords (lmao) just getting richer and richer while our government keeps saying "there's nothing that can be done, it's inevitable, inflation is driven by increased wages"
All of these companies are profiting off of us conforming. Not speaking up.
We all would fight back (non violently) if we would stop Fighting with each other, I'm positive.