Huckleberry app

FTM here and my LO is 4 months. I’m kinda addicted to keeping track of everything. I use the huckleberry app to track feeds, sleep & pumped oz’s. I feel like it’s my 2nd brain bc I can’t remember a thing right now!! It keeps me on track and also allows me to see if there are any changes in baby’s sleep, feeding, etc. I love it! However, I feel like it also makes me paranoid especially with the baby’s daily feeding oz. If LO eats a little less that day, it stresses me out but the thought of not tracking makes me feel even more stressed out! Lol I feel like I need all this data for some reason. I’ve even made my husband download the app so he can track everything when I’m out of the house and I feel upset if he forgets to log something.

Does this resonate with anyone? When and how did you stop using it?