Parents with clingy babies who only contact nap, what does your evening/bedtime routine look like around 2 months?

My son is 8 weeks and is a stage 4 clinger who also has reflux and torticollis. He almost exclusively contact naps during the day; even if I manage a transfer to the bassinet he will cry when he wakes up and need to be held again if I want him to keep napping. Due to reflux he sleeps better upright, and because of the torticollis we want to keep him off the back of his head as much as possible, so I’ve accepted my fate as a human pillow during the day.

Nights are another thing. We have no routine at all because he sometimes cluster feeds, waking every 60-90 minutes, and typically doesn’t fall into a deep enough sleep to be transferred to the crib until 11pm, so we just hold him in the dark living room watching TV on low volume with a noise machine near him and he faces away from the TV so that the lights don’t keep him up. It’s not ideal.

I’d like to start a bedtime routine to possibly help, but when I searched through the Reddit everyone said things like “and then I put baby in the crib fully awake and they go to sleep” and there is just no way that’s working for my baby. Should I do a bedtime routine anyways, maybe a bath and book after his last feeding? Will it help at all if we still need to hold him for 2-3 hours before actually putting him in the crib? Could there be another problem that I’m missing that makes it so difficult for my baby to fall fully asleep at night? We have tried putting him in the crib earlier but he just wakes up and cries (either right away or within 30 minutes), which is why we decided to just hold him until late in the evening when he’s really out.