First try ever - 16 days in no PMO - feeling great
Hey guys,
I'm a 23 YO male. I discovered nofap about 3 weeks ago and decided to give it a go since 16 days just because I'm curious about the results.
Since I broke up with my girlfriend in november '16 I've been trying very hard to improve my life quality. I quit smoking weed and cigarettes, severely reduced my alcohol consumption, started lifting, eating healthy, reading books, ... All that shit.
I also had to finish up my bachelor's degree (some kind of practical thesis) after a HUGE failure last year. I decided to take a whole new route compared to last year. After some really hard work, extreme stress, and 10000 thoughts of failure I proved everyone wrong and got excellent grades, probably the best of my peers in my year. I might even land a job out of this.
Anyways, life is finally going in the right direction for me. I'm happy again for the first time in years. I feel like no porn and no masturbation might be the thing that will glue everything together and assure a solid future for me. After only 16 days I feel more assertive yet polite (charming) and positive, albeit just the thought of me being so disciplined.
What I'm also trying to say is I never ever thought I would finish school this year. I not only finished but excelled because of pure discipline and grit. Same applies to no PMO. Stay disciplined, stay strong. Benefits might not be reaped now but sure will in the end, like with all great things. We're all gonna fucking make it.