a friend of fate
danced with death upon my floor
kitchen table by the door
whispering your life regrets
death is waiting
he caresses your lips
leaning forward
he moves closer
hands around your neck
taking in your last few breaths
“it’s ok, i need to rest”
body’s limp
head to floor
time is ticking
“get the door"
paramedics rush right in
[pushing past the man that stands]
[on my steps he sits and waits
hoping you will see day break]
soft and somber
he then wanders
from that haunted night
but don’t forget
he’ll sit and wait
[until that shameful day]
he’ll come by stronger
control no longer
when he comes with fate
A/N: the stanzas/lines i have in brackets are the ones i'm not happy with, but if there's critques about other stanzas/lines, i'm more than opening to hearing them! also, i know poetry is up to interpretation, but context might help with this; i wrote this about one of my close friends who OD'd in my kitchen and continues to struggle with addiction.