If you’re worried, read this
Listen. If I survived my uni apps, so can you. stop thinking about your applications. I know it’s hard but the more you overthink the worse it’s gonna be. Go outside. Chill out. Don’t worry about uni all the time. Go hang out with your friends, I promise you that happiness you’re gonna get from enjoying your last time at high school is worth so much more than stressing out over uni apps. If your friends are making fun of you for university acceptances, you’re in the wrong crowd. Get rid of those people. ENJOY THE LAST TIME YOU‘RE A KID HOLY SHIT. Have a good time. Work hard, play hard.
tldr; You’ll get where you want to go. Stop overthinking about it and study. If you are stressed. Otherwise, go have fun with your friends. Stop going on Reddit, stop comparing yourself to others. it’s gonna be okay. Post secondary is not the end all be all.