Baby #2? When did you know you were ready?

I always thought I wanted kids close in age but now that my baby will be one soon I’m starting to worry it’s not for me. Especially because husband wants them close in age.

I love being able to give my baby all my individualized attention. They are so fun and engaging right now, can sit for 30 minutes and let me read books, and is talking a lot. It makes me feel guilty thinking about splitting my time with another baby and not being able to hang with my first born as much. Selfishly, I love how when we are together (me, my husband, and baby) it’s the 3 of us and I feel so connected as a family but I know if another baby comes my husband and I will split for a little and be two ships passing.

Is this normal? How did you know you were ready for another? I know my first born will always need me to some extent, but for some reason the guilt of adding another baby to the mix is too much for me to think about lol.