I’m a crazy sports parent
I have let my son’s sport take over our family life and my ego.
I have made bad choices and broken other relationships with other sports parents and my own friends because of it.
I have been so wrapped up in it and now see it in all its ugly glory.
For context my son is a nationally ranked tennis player in our country (Europe)
We don’t go on family vacations as it interferes with his competition schedule.
I don’t like who I have become. I’m negative about other kids ability and I’m a sore loser when he loses to a kid I don’t deem as good.
I obsess about the rankings and keeping his ranking up.
I feel like I have become a huge dick and take glee when other kids lose that beat my kid. Or even just glee when any of the top kids lose.
I’m not the fighting parent, or the make a scene parent or the cheating parent but behind closed doors I’m awful.
I make snide comments and excuses when my kid doesn’t win. I don’t know who I am anymore.
I know I’m not alone and not the worst but I don’t want to be like this anymore.
Has anyone saw these traits in them selves and been able to redeem them selves before they do any more damage.
We are in to deep to quit sport but I want it to be a healthy hobby not the only thing in our life.