Kingmaker VS. WOTR - how is the quality of the writing/story in both games?

Hi! I've been on a CRPG binge recently since playing the first Baldurs Gate and Dragon Age: Origins - things like KOTOR, Planescape Torment, BG2, Pillars of Eternity and a bunch of others. I heard about these games a while back and never got around to trying them, but thought I should now.

From what I can see, people generally say to new players to skip Kingmaker and go to Wrath of the Righteous because it has more interesting combat/a deeper build system. That sounds cool, but it's generally not what I play these types of games for - I care about a intricate world with lots of writing to get lost in. The reason I loved the above listed games was due to their story and companions, I'm neutral on the combat in all of them.

So, on that question - does Kingmaker or WOTR have a better story? I know they aren't really connected storywise. Would one or the other be better for a first time player, and should I skip Kingmaker and go to WOTR if it has better writing?

TL:DR - Looking for another CRPG with good writing and an interesting story, I'm neutral on combat being intricate. Which of these games would be better for that, and should I only play one or both if I'm looking for story?