To my fellow Pennsylvanians, with all the terrible that is happening, continued to have the tough conversations.

Last night I had to have a conversation with my own father about how certain political policies are currently affecting me only to be greeted with the reply “well then you’re going to be anxious and scared for a long time.”

I explained everything from unconstitutional deportations to how tariffs actually work. He told me that those policies don’t affect me personally. When I replied that not only do they affect me personally, more importantly, they affect millions of people I don’t know. To which he replied everything I was saying is wrong and I need to check my news sources.

I’m not here to rant about my father being a narcissist, but I am here to urge everyone to continue having the tough conversations. Without conversation our democracy dies. Continue to protest, continue to fight the good fight, and continue to stick up to each other.

I don’t know you all, but I do love you all. And I can’t speak for everyone, but I do want to fight for a world where everyone can live without fear of being discriminated against.

Edit: Hi everyone! I did not expect this post to take off as it did but wow! I understand that this was more of a vent as I needed to just talk. But this sub served as that outlet for me as I live in Central PA and regardless of the comments I am glad I could reach so many of you.