What do your weekends look like?

Hi all,

My son just turned four. I’m a working mom and I just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. It’s currently flaring and I’m so exhausted. I desperately want to just relax on weekends. I feel like the more we stay in the house, the worse my son’s behavior gets. He has a huge playroom that will entertain him for maybe an hour and then he’s just over it. It’s also cold as shit here right now so outdoors really isn’t an option. He ends up just running around getting into things he shouldn’t and irking my nerves before it’s even noon time. Or he just follows me around the house whining. He also always want to play with me. “Mommy let’s play grocery shop. Mommy let’s play stormchasers.” (he’s currently obsessed with weather and tornadoes. Go figure). The only thing he’ll do independently is play on his tablet but I hate to have him on it for so long. I just desperately want to RELAX. If I tell him mommy needs a break, he gets so upset and won’t even listen and play independently. He’ll run around the house and get into things.

I don’t know where I’m going with this. What do your weekends look like? Do your preschoolers get bored as well and get into things? I just feel like a constant entertainer and I’m SO tired….