Tips for an Aggressive Quaker?

Hello! I have a 2 year old male Quaker parrot named Kiwi. I’ve had him since he was about 6 months old and have not had any issues so far. I’m a first time bird owner, and it’s definitely a learning curve. I’ve been his person for his whole life, as he despises everyone else in my family. He will bite my mother and scream at my dad if either of them get near him or me, but he’s always been like that. Lately, he has been very aggressive and bitey, to the point where I cannot handle him for long periods of time since he will draw blood and seriously hurt me. I’m not sure what to do about it. I can’t handle him for as long as I’d like since he will attack me and anyone else in the room with me. I know Quaker’s can be aggressive and territorial, but is crazy that it’s just come out of nowhere! I read a bit about Quaker puberty, and maybe that’s it?? I really don’t want to give him up, because he’s my baby, but if things don’t change then I will be forced by my family to surrender him. Does anyone have any tips for stopping the biting and aggressiveness?? Thank you!