Raiden ruined my main

I was saving my primos for a very long time because i was waiting for the right character i can main and get some constellations.

Once i saw kinich and that he is voiced by sasuke/naruto in japanese, i knew its him. I had 920 wishes prepared and wanted to get C3R1. In the end i was extremely lucky and got what i wanted with 660 wishes left. Since i did not own raiden yet and really liked her design, i decided to yolo some pulls on her banner and ended up with C2R1 after only 240 wishes (highlight was back to back raiden pull and EL on the first pull on weapon banner), leaving me with 420 pulls, Kinich C3R1 and Raiden C2R1.

Since the banner dropped i have been farming to get my raiden build since kinich was 100% prefarmed. During that time i was using lots of different teams with raiden. Hyperbloom, aggrevate, taser, overload, etc…

No matter what im playing, i always end up with raiden on the team and i just enjoy her soooo much. I still feel like kinich is an awesome character, but since i got both of them raiden is on my screen for 80% of the time.