“Hidden MMR” is STUPID!

I’ve played ranked modes competitively in multiple video games for years. They are and will always be flawed, as it cannot be a perfect system and each game is different. However, seige has one of the worst ranked systems I’ve ever played. It is very unfair.

I don’t see how people think “hidden MMR” is a good thing at all. It’s so dumb that your matchmaking is based on this hidden MMR more than actual rank. The community just accepts this I feel like and never questions it. For new players it’s also discouraging and the worst. You should not be a silver or gold playing against emeralds or diamonds for example. You should be playing the people that are your rank, or the game should just give you Diamond if everyone you play is Diamond. I’ve always found this system to be silly from the start of my seige ranked journey.

For players who are really trying to get into ranked, it’s just annoying to be lower ranked from the start and going against platinums and being told “it’s because of hidden MMR and that’s the rank you’re supposed to be”. Then dang, make them a platinum then!

I want to add that I do enjoy this game and I only say these things for improvement. I tent to criticize things I enjoy because I want them to be better. So I hope the community can understand where I’m coming from.

ALSO - I keep having people arguing over whether or not you “deserve” a win for having a cheater on your team. I don’t even want to argue about that because it’s such a stupid comment. It’s not our fault we play the game and get a cheated on our team. We shouldn’t be punished for that especially when a lot of casual players only get to play a few games a day. And to top it off, EVERY match on console at high ranks has at least one cheater in it almost (xim). So how is anyone deserving of losing or winning a match? I’m serious, all of my matches now have at least one xim and that’s cheating… so answer me that.