Senior kicked me out of call room - feeling emotionally down

I’m on nights right now. Came to work with a fever because I didn’t want to call out sick. At around 4 am all the pending work was done and there was nothing left to follow, the patients were all stable.

Now our hospital has this culture where only third years are allowed to use call rooms and resident lounge, only second years are allowed to use resident documentation rooms present on the floors and interns have access to only the computers in the nursing station. Interns can only stay at the nursing station during the entire shift

At 4 am I was feeling very tired and uncomfortable and since all the work was done I decided to go rest in the call room. After 15 minutes the senior came in and kicked me out. Saying I’m compromising patient care by not being physically present on the floor. After getting kicked out I was still feeling tired so I went to the patient waiting room and lied down on an empty couch. When doing this I was crying and contemplating what did I do to deserve this, I’m a doctor for gods sake, I shouldn’t have to be resting in the patient waiting room