Exploration of Riven ADC
Hi Guys I'm RivenOnBot (RoB),
Goals for this post:
- Any help would be appreciated<3
- Looking for feedback
- Improve the google doc in anyway
- Make people play Riven ADC (because it's fun)
- Find inspiration on different runes/builds/strategies
For the past couple of months I have been seriously trying to play Riven ADC. I used to have a copy pasta I would send in chat so that my support knows what are good and bad picks with Riven ADC. Since then I have upgraded into a google doc (I think I linked it but I am not a very good redditor).
I'm still trying to improve the google doc and want to add slides for tierlists of all lanes not only the support role. Together with a small guide on how to generally play with riven ADC a guideline (for supports).
Why play Riven ADC:
- It's fun to one shot ADC's
- You're a maniac
- Extra side lane pressure
- You like being flamed whenever you're losing (even if you're the one trying to carry)
- When supports roam you can dive the enemy adc 1v1
- You don't mind farming in laning-phase
- You have patience
I think that's it for now if you guys have any questions or suggetions on how I should expand this post please tell me :)