Is my Mom falling for a scam?
So, recently my mom has been researching this supposed Canadian government program where when you are born, the Canadian government creates some kind of trust account in your name but doesn't tell you about it, then when you turn 18 and don't claim it because you don't know about it, they get to take all of that money that had been building interest for 18 years. At least she tried explaining it to me and that's about all I got out of it (there was also a lot of rambling about the legal definition of "person" that I didn't really get either). She apparently spent a few hundred dollars on a course with a pamphlet of Information that explained everything in detail and has been talking to other people in that course for weeks who are convinced they are going to launch some kind of lawsuit to get millions of dollars out of the federal government.
It all sounds like incoherent BS to me and I'm hoping someone here is familiar with the scam or has heard about it so I can stop my Mom from doing something idiotic. She's in her 60's and is still working because her retirement saving aren't enough to live off of yet, and I don't want to see her spend any more money on this nonsense.
Sorry for the sparse details. She tried explaining it but it didn't really make much sense to me.