Skong YouTubers vs Mods/Silkposters - A "theory"/opinion

Anybody notice how there has been a theme of YouTubers vs Silksposters and r/Silksong mods in the recent events?

  • The cake does catch the attention of some YouTubers, like fireborn, DSN (Araraura), Primacon, etc.
  • Leth communicates THROUGH fireborn that "the cake is a lie", although he did confirm it himself later in discord. We still don't have a concrete explanation why he decided to go through fire.
  • r/Silksong is pissed off by BlueSR's reaction following the cake thing.
  • The VA's first post happens - Primacon posts a video talking about how disappointing it is, DSN makes a cheeky video with the "No" being yellow in his thumbnail, but stating that he doesn't believe it.
  • CCMaci makes a detailed post here "debunking" the VA leaks.
  • The VA's second post happens followed by the deletion and clarification. Primacon makes a second video about it, still with a firm stance that he believes it to be fake. DSN refers to this video in his daily update.
  • The E1331 countdown begins. Coming from a serial silkposter, naturally there is skepticism but mods have posted comments and pinned them that E1331 thing has more significance.
  • Araraura from DSN makes a post here betting his whole life saying the E1331 countdown is just a troll.
  • Tejas, a mod, makes a pinned comment under the same post saying E1331 is affiliated with TC, or a subset of TC on a personal level (not a professional one).

Now that we have laid out the facts, here is my opinion/"theory". I think a group of Silkposters and mods decided to collectively troll the Youtubers. I can see a vague motivation here, maybe they are fed up of people taking some things that the youtubers say at face value and cling on to the points taken from their videos even if they have logical fallacies. For this theory to work, something major should happen after the countdown - that would be either getting silksong news, or some major explanation of everything that happened over the last month. Or maybe it's just an elaborate troll as usual and the youtubers are right for ignoring this. I am ready to embrace any kind of ending. I honestly don't care if it's turns out to be lame bait, E1331 has made the wait a whole lot more interesting.