Best morning delivery so far
I get my first offer, 7 miles for $20 for 10 items, majority of the trip is on the highway. Walmart gave $11 and the customer gave the rest. Easy items too.
Her house is small and cozy with her porch a few feet away from the road. Once I start walking towards her house, I hear this sweet ladies voice saying loudly, “Hey dear! How are you doing??! I so much appreciate you doing this for me. Thank you so much dear. Do you need my code? It’s ——.”
I did not expect that at all. I got tongue tied for a second. My face smiled for me and I don’t even know how! I just felt it go up tight on its own.
It was an older lady in a wheelchair and she was so nice. We spoke a few seconds about the train going by and then her cat comes out and she fuzzed with her in a playful way about the cold.
It was just so cool.
I hope y’all’s morning started out well and I wish yall the best for the rest of the day!