is anyone else concerned by their diet?

ok i’m gonna reference a moment from todays video (but mod pls don’t remove this post bc this is about their diet overall, not just the point im making from today’s video lol).

so if I heard Matt correctly, he said he ate taco bell last night so he got in n out for today (or whenever they filmed this idk). chris too got taco bell the night before and then again for the video.

while eating out two days in a row isn’t concerning in itself…I can’t help but think about how much they eat out in general. am I alone in thinking they probably eat out more than they cook food? do they even know how to cook besides maybe 1-2 things?

not to mention Chris constantly drinking soda. like he even mentions how he prefers pepsi over water. do they not care about how much sugar is in the soda they consume multiple times every single day???

they’re only 21 now but diets this bad can fuck u over real bad when you’re older. I hope one day they grow up and realize junk food this regularly isn’t ok. at some point you have to start prioritizing your health.