Idea: Playlist Our Songs Together

So here's an idea. Let's put up ~50 songs on this thread, vote on which ones we like, and put the best 30 into a list for our mutual enjoyment.

Every 2 weeks, we'll re-vote on existing and new songs and update the list.

What do you think?

EDIT: So I should have mentioned this at the outset, but please, upvote the sings that you feel should be on the playlist!

EDIT 2: How should the playlist be materialized? I'm in favor of doing it as a Spotify playlist, if possible. That would mean that those if it's who haven't published to the service, would need to do so. Otherwise... maybe SoundCloud? Would appreciate your thoughts!

EDIT 3: At least one person raised a very good point, that counting upvotes isn't gonna work well since ppl usually won't keep coming back to this post. So my plan is to do a cut off later this evening, and painstakingly make a full list of the songs. Then I'll make another post, with all of the songs, and ask for ppl to vote. I also promise to carry over the existing upvotes - seems only fair!

EDIT 4 (FINAL): Ok, so I did the snapshot, and am going to post the compiled list in a separate post. Please take a look and please share your tastes via upvote :) Thanks to everyone who generously shared! We'll tally things up in a day or so, and then I guess it's off to make an uber power playlist of our shtuff! Gonna be pretty awesome, popping in the earphones and listening to our stuff on the way to school, work, farm, jail, wherever.